Friday, July 22, 2011

please don't stop the music

May 11, 2011. Music Swap Day. The day of all days. The day Rachel and I finally get our computers together and swap our music.

Of course, we decide to do it last minute, on a weeknight.

And of course, neither of us cleaned up our music completely.

And of course, I forget the power cord to my computer, making it that much harder to go through music.

But we survived.

Good luck in North Dakota, Rachel! Next music swap we will be prepared...

Post script: these pictures were taken at midnight. Or later. Can't remember.


  1. Even though we were totally unprepared, at least we did SOME sort of music swap before I left!! I'm proud of us for getting that far. We'll just continue to make our lists of things we forgot and keep having the hopeful thought that SOMEDAY we'll actually have our music totally cleaned up. That is my dream...I look hideous in those pictures. Braces + being incredibly tired + yellow ambience = yikes. I hope we can have another day like this in the future!

  2. P.S. your Chandler pose is totally way cooler than mine. Hahaha

  3. HAHA i totally forgot we were doing chandler faces! classic!
