Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pregnancy Update: 38 weeks

How many weeks?:  38 weeks, CRAZY!
Countdown: 14 days or less! (Hopefully less of course)
Total weight gain/loss: Up about 60 lbs. Am I done gaining weight yet? I think the last 8-10 lbs is all the swelling that I've all of a sudden been experiencing. Especially in my legs. It's getting painful.
Exercise Habits: I've been doing pretty good! I get at least 15 minutes in most every day, whether it is walking or actually going to the gym. I hit my 12 times that I need to attend the gym this month to be reimbursed, so that was pretty awesome.
Sleeping?: Waking up to use the bathroom every hour and a half to two hours. The stretches where I actually go 3 hours are rare and very much awesome.
Best Moment since last update: The doctor telling me yesterday that he is estimating the baby's weight between 7.5 and 8 lbs if I make it to 40 weeks. I was prepping myself mentally for a 9 pounder, soooo this was pretty much the best news ever! (I'm still mentally prepared for that, just in case, but the fact that he doesn't think that will happen was a great relief.) Also, all the wonderful friends and family that supported me at my baby showers and all the baby gifts we got :)
Worst Moment since last update: my appointment yesterday was mostly depressing. My blood pressure was super high and he told me that if it is much higher next week they will probably induce (which is good/bad news, I really wanted to start labor on my own this time around). Also, I'm not dilated at all yet but am thinning out. Come on body get ready! Mom and Dad sure are...
I miss...: Laying on my stomach or back. Being able to run and jump and swim and hike and all that other stuff I like to do.
I'm going to miss...: People telling me how cute I look. It does wonders for my self esteem, especially when I feel like an overfilled balloon. At least other people think I'm a cute (pregnant) girl. Also going to miss having pregnancy as an excuse. It's great haha. Going to miss feeling my little guy move around inside. It is kind of fun to have that constant reminder that he is mine.
I'm NOT going to miss... The emotional ups and downs. I'm getting pretty good at holding back tears, most of the time. Poor Sean, they are usually unleashed on him (not at him, I'm just not embarrassed to cry in front of him). Not going to miss the waddling and the pain of moving around in general. Not going to miss the swelling and the achiness that brings. Not going to miss peeing in a cup every week haha.
Movement: All the time. He usually starts moving around when I am starting to get hungry. Or when he is getting hungry I guess. 3am he usually starts going crazy.
Morning Sickness?: I've been getting little bouts of nausea lately. Nothing horrible like in the first trimester, but it is there.
Food Cravings: Ice cream. I always want ice cream. Saturday we stopped at Walmart to buy vanilla ice cream and m&m's because Dairy Queen wasn't where it was supposed to be...
Food Aversions: Soups still. It is the weirdest thing. Fish (except for canned tuna).
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions over the last couple weeks. Yesterday was the first day I have had back labor, alternating with contractions. That was interesting. Hopefully they keep coming!
Moods: Super emotional mood swings, some anti-socialness. I try to get passed being anti-social because being out of the house passes the time faster.
Not Looking Forward to: The anticipation of "are these real contractions?"
Looking Forward To: Actually having this baby! I'm super excited that I won't have to carry him around with me all day every day. Sean can finally have a turn! Also excited to have my mom here for a week to help out.


  1. Not sure if it is a good thing or bad thing that I'm not there to eat ice cream with you... Cuz I can eat a whole mess of ice cream! Looking forward to meeting the little guy.

  2. majorly impressed you've gotten to the gym that much. I usually do a lot, but only at the end when i'm trying to get contractions going. good luck these last couple of weeks-way excited for you! hopefully your water will break or something so you don't have to do the contraction guessing game or get induced. :)
