Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Basketball Jones

One of the hardest things about being pregnant is the fact that I can't run around and play crazy sports like I used to. I miss basketball. I miss soccer. I miss ultimate frisbee even. I miss swimming. I miss going for a 2 mile run and thinking I'm awesome because I didn't have to stop (that's an accomplishment folks!). For now though, I guess I'll just have to go shoot hoops with the girls I teach in Primary. That way I get to shoot some a basketball, but I also get a freakin' good laugh too.

These girls seriously melt my heart. The two in the middle were two of the girls that offered to help me with basically everything once they found out I was pregnant. Since I had the day off yesterday, I obliged ;) We went to the church and shot hoops for about 45 minutes and then they said, "Okay now can we go to your house and clean?" How do you say no to that?! They did my dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher, swept the kitchen floor, took out the recyclable stuff, and dusted in the living room. We turned on some Adele and rocked it cleaning for about half an hour. We were so goofy! I love that they don't treat my like a full on adult, they let me be a kid with them too. Because let's be honest. Being a kid is the best part of life!


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