Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday 1/10/2013

*Thankful for the healthy little alien growing inside of me :) and that I finally don't have to keep it a secret anymore.

*Thankful for a new semester and Sean's pleasant attitude toward it all (it may be because I am an awesome wife and sweet talked him A LOT about it yesterday).

*Thankful for both our jobs

*Thankful that I can finally lay down at night and go to sleep. For the past few weeks I had to sit up and slowly slink down so I didn't get sick. No fun.

*Thankful for the Nike Training Club app. Best workout app ever. There isn't just 5 or 10 workouts, there's way more. And this pregnant lady here hates taking the time to go to the gym, so this was a gold mine of a find.

*Thankful that SOME of the snow finally started melting. I hate walking around terrified of slipping onto my butt. Especially since I think it would hurt way more with baby in tow. Also I hate hate hate hate (I don't have enough hates memorized) driving when it is snowy/icy.

*Thankful for my cute primary girls (who are no longer in my class and we are all bummed) and their sweet reaction to my telling them about my pregnancy. (Quick story. On Sunday [Fast Sunday in the LDS world, meaning no food] I was starving by hour 3, so I busted out my Ritz crackers. Those three girls looked at me with begging eyes and said "We'll save it for later!" Yeah right. So I said, "I have to tell you guys something. I'm gonna have a baby, so I have to eat." Their eyes lit up! And then they offered to come do my dishes, clean my house, take care of the dog, etc. Love their giving hearts, and how willing they are to help. They also said they would help babysit. Maybe when my baby is 2 and you are finally 12...)

Don't worry. There will be an upcoming blog post about my first trimester, and how grateful I am it is over. And all the details in between.

Oh one more gratitude: Thankful that my cousin Kelly is only a few weeks behind me, meaning we will probably have our babies at the same time. Our doc has already promised her he will induce her early, which equals my due date. Yay for babies!!

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