Wednesday, August 17, 2011


For the last day of the month each month, I make cookies and bring them into work. I guess as a motivation for the sales guys to close what they can? Who knows. But every month I make at least 5 dozen cookies and every month those 5 dozen cookies are devoured in about 4 hours. They have never lasted through an entire 8 hour day.

Today, my co-worker brought me a zucchini from her garden. I got so excited, and started thinking of all the things I can do with this zucchini. I really was like a little kid on Christmas.

She realized this and said, "As excited as you are about this zucchini, that is how excited we get when you bring in cookies..."

Double dose of happy today :)

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! That's awesome. Great quote. And I wish I could be there to be part of the cookie devouring...mmmmm Hayley cookies...I hope those boys know how lucky they are to have you there! :)
