Wednesday, August 3, 2011

...and I can almost see, through the dark there is light

On Saturday after the incredible Idina concert, Kjerstin and I decided we were going to hike up to the Y before she left for California this Thursday.

(thank you google images)

So we did.

And may I just say, it did not take me as long as it normally does to get up the Y. Thank you 24 Hour Fitness membership...

The view at sunset is breathtaking.

We were the only ones at the bottom of the Y, everyone else was at the top, so it was almost like we were the only two on the mountain. So I'm going to pretend we were. It was awesome!

Black and white

Nothing like having a best friend that will hike super slow with you ;)


If anyone can spot the moon, I'll send cookies.


  1. Beautiful pics!! The one of you and Kjerstin is super cute and the one of you alone, well, you are looking hot! And I don't mean temperature. The one and only time I have hiked the Y (I know, sad that I have only done it once...) is like a year after we got married and we were both way out of shape. It totally kicked our butts. I want to go back and do it again now that we're in better shape so we don't feel so lame. I love when all the runners run past you while you're struggling for air walking like a snail.

  2. found the moon! i want my cookies
