Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Funnies

This is the other new thing I want to try to remember to do weekly. Every week you see those ridiculous e-cards and funny animal pictures. These are the ones that made me laugh out loud, literally. I can't tell you how many giggles I've stifled because of some of these... Enjoy!

This is so me. Poor Sean.

 This is so Blaze. Poor Sean...

  Never looking at carrots the same way again...

I would never send this to someone. But it's hilarious. Especially when you sing it out loud.

 Yes! (My name is Hayley and I'm a nerd.)
(Rachel, this reminds me of you. Obv.)

 I almost peed my pants. Again. After the 5th time looking at this. It's bigger because it is that much funnier.

P.S. Why Friday? Because let's be honest. As great as Friday is, when my alarm goes off Friday morning I am dreading the next 9 hours. And then I'm usually to tired to go out and do anything after work. So laugher = best medicine right? Let's hope so.


1 comment:

  1. ha! fridays are the best and the worst. i start counting down until the boys' bedtime the second i'm up. as of now i have 3 1/2 more hours. sweeeeeet!
