Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mason turns one!

I can't believe it, my baby boy is one year old! We have had such a long year honestly, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. He brings us so much joy and laughter and is such a sweet heart!

- food. He pretty much eats anything we give him. Anything he didn't like in baby food (peas and carrots, and a few other things), he loves now.
- otter pops. Anytime he sees someone eating one, he starts whining unit he gets one.
- watching home videos of himself. This is usually how I get him to hold still long enough to eat.
- the song Popcorn Popping. He has started doing the hand actions and it is so cute!
- playing in the dirt and mud. All boy, this one is.
- any type of ball, especially soccer balls.
- talking. He babbles constantly and likes when we talk back to him.

- coming inside when it is time. He has always loved being outside
- when I won't let him in the swimming pool when I am filling it up. Usually I fill it up right before he goes down for his first nap so the water is warm by the time he is ready to swim a few hours later.
- big crowds. If there are a lot of people (like at a party or something) he is a little on edge. At the store he is fine, but not around a ton of people.

Other notables:
- first steps June 15, 2014! He pulled himself up on a chair, looked around at everyone (it was right after Sunday family dinner), and took 5 steps and sat down!
- June 21, 2014, top right tooth.
- takes one 2-3 hour nap in the middle of the day, and sometimes will take another 1-1.5 hour nap toward the evening. I work while he sleeps, so this is a great system!
- started clapping on July 5th! He's been trying for a while, but he finally mastered it
- getting much steadier as he walks. Loves being able to hold things in his hands and walk around.

First time eating ice cream!

Cute presents from Aunt Jenny!

We bought Mason a booster seat, and he likes putting his feet up on the table.

Mason really liked watching soccer. He was often in this position during the games.


Sleeping. I often find him with blankets or burp cloths over his head. 
He hoards them in his crib like a dog hoards bones under the couch.

Not sleeping. He just reeeeeaaaally likes playing Peek-a-Boo

We have a super cute video of him doing pull-ups.
You can hear Sean every once in a while say "That was him!"

First french fry!

More soccer, this time while eating lunch.

Hanging out with Uncle Alex getting wet, then playing in the mud after. 

He's got this lounging thing down...

Flour mess!

He sat right in front of Violet. Maybe he was offering a piggy back ride?

On his actual birthday:

"Mom, why are you telling me to smile? Just pick me up and feed me!"
We had pancakes for breakfast, such a grown up boy food!

Nicole and Bentley came over to watch a soccer game. I can't remember who was playing.
Argentina and Netherlands maybe? 
We wanted to go to Seven Peaks after but it got really stormy when the game was over. Next time.

LOVES having things on his head 

Blocks from Grandma Parker! 

And birthday cones at Macey's. We were there to buy Otter Pops for Mason's party on Saturday so we figured, why not?

Happy birthday to my wonderful baby! We love you Mason!

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