Monday, July 14, 2014

Fun in June

We had a lot of fun things we did last month! First, we celebrated Sarah Jane getting baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! What a fun experience to watch her take this important step! Mason had a great time playing in my skirt, and causing mischief with cousin Michael after ;)

Peek-a-boo in Mommy's skirt: best game ever!

Say "trouble"!

Congrats Sarah Jane!

Sean's best friend, Alex, works at the shop next to The Quarry, so he can get us in free pretty much any time we want. Usually this means Saturday nights after Mason is asleep haha. Sean hadn't led climbed in a while, so I made him get up on that wall. Then we went to Sonic for a treat after.

Mason went to Seven Peaks for the first time! It was a huge success! He loves the water, and once he figured out it was like a giant bath tub, he was all over the place. Of course, even the shallowest pool is deep when you can't walk yet… so we spent the entire time helping him walk so he didn't crawl into the "deep" water and drown. He loved trying to catch the water spouting out of the pipe.

We have the Pass of All Passes (awesome!) so we hit up Trafalga one night when I was trying to kill time before Mason's bed time. He thought the club hitting the golf ball was SO funny. He giggled the first 10 minutes straight. And then it was only when Sean and I reacted after missing. He was probably mocking us…

We also went to the Bean Museum with Sean's parents and sister to check it out after it had reopened! It looks way different than before and is so nice now! Mason picked out that snake toy from the gift shop. Meaning he picked it up and put it in his mouth before I could stop him haha.

This carving was done by President Boyd K. Packer. They have a lot of his personal work at the museum right now, and it is definitely worth it to go see. His stuff is amazing!

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