Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thankful Thursday 4/18/2013

- Thankful for reading days. Not that it means anything to me anymore, but yesterday was a reading day, and neither Sean nor I had to be anywhere until 10:30. Which means we got to spend a morning together at home, which never happens anymore. (Okay let me be honest, we slept in until about 9:30 which was marvelous.)

- Thankful that I can look at Sean's grades pre-finals and see all A's, meaning finals are a lot less stressful. Also thankful that I have such a smart, hard-working husband who strives for the best in school.

- Thankful for cell phones. I forgot mine at home today and it has been the longest day ever. Not just because I can't keep up with Facebook and Instagram, but because I've had to rely on email to communicate with Sean. So much slower. Okay done complaining. I also love that cell phones have turned into mini-everythings: GPS, MP3 player, computer, handheld gaming device, love it all.

- Thankful for restaurants that send out free meals for your birthday. So far we've done Red Robin (yummmm), tonight we are hitting up Happy Sumo with a $15 gift certificate, and sometime in the next week we are doing Tucanos. So much good food! Is there any that I'm missing? Oh and even though I can't eat sushi right now I am still going to enjoy my free meal from Happy Sumo tonight.

- Thankful for the beautiful flowers growing everywhere, for the trees in bloom, and for the green grass that is everywhere. It is making the world a more beautiful place for me. Sorry, but snow just isn't that pretty to me. Especially after how much we had this winter.

- Thankful for a baby that wiggles like crazy. It may be extremely sort of uncomfortable, but at least I know all is well when I can feel him non-stop. Like when I'm hungry, or when I've just eaten, or when I roll over in the middle of the night so my hip doesn't fall asleep... We are going to have one active child.

- Thankful that I can do my continuing education for Pharmacy Technician for free. Thank you internet! And it's credible. Which means if we ever leave Utah I can get a job as a technician because I will still be certified. Booyah. (Not so thankful for the article I read yesterday about Gestational Diabetes, it freaked me out. My glucose test is next Tuesday. Thankful that it is almost here and OVER WITH.)

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