Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Cori: 9 Months!

9 months with Cori! As tired as we are, we cannot imagine life without this girl!! Here's what has been going on with her!

-her brothers, and crawling around after them
-giving mommy hugs and saying "awww". It's soooo cute!
-playing "upside down baby!" and being tossed in the air!
-singing wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider (especially up came the sun), playing peekaboo, and this is the way the horsey rides.
-eating any real food we give her. Cheerios and pancakes seem to be okay. She likes ritz and graham crackers, but they make her fussy

-being left alone in a room
-baby food. She tolerates it but she doesn't eat very much when I feed it to her. If I had to pick her favorite I'd say squash but it makes her gassy.

Other notables
-plays with her hair while she's nursing
-super speedy crawler
-starting to dance to the music from her toys
-she cut her first tooth! November 27, bottom right
-puts everything in her mouth. Everything. Paper, little pieces of carpet... I have to fish so much out of her mouth

She gives the BEST smiles!! 

Oh, you know, just trying to sit on your friend's head during the primary program practice.

Now begins the stage when I start taking pictures of her sleeping on me during church. I have a million of these with Luke and they are so sweet to look back on! When Mason was this age, he was long done nursing, and I was the pianist in primary, so he went with Sean during church. 

Poor sicky couldn't breath.

Those rolls tho!

Sleeping baby pictures! 

When you try to get a picture of the cute babies...

Like I said, best smiles!

My favorite picture of Cori and her brothers!! I actually put this picture on a magnet for the grandparents for Christmas, and ordered one for me too.

She's coming around to him lol

Sean's mom sent us this tutu when Cori was brand new. We did a photo shoot then. I recently found it and put it on her. Still cute! 

Selfies with mom!

Aunt Jenny took this at Thanksgiving

My little smiley babe!

First swing, and playing with her brothers at the park! 

Loves noshing on my apples, and likes Cheerios! 

Before this picture, we were balancing the snot sucker on her head. She was laughing so hard!

She is so perfect!! We bought a little chair for her to sleep upright in because of her reflux. It is super helpful for when she has a cold too.. 

Always destroying the movies

We bought a new crib mattress for her and I finally got to use her cute crib sheets!

"Come in the tent Cori!"

First time trying clementines! She really likes them.

"This is how we memorize dinosaurs A to Z!"

Swinging with her brothers!

She's always trying to climb on them

These are good mom!

Luke left his taquitos out, and all of a sudden she was totally eating one! She is the weirdest eater.. 

She pulls beanies, bows, and hats off her head, so I was really excited to find this one that Velcro's under her chin so she can't take it off!

Happy 9 months baby girl! We love you!

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