Monday, November 12, 2018

Cori: 8 months!

Cori is 8 months! She did so many new things this month! She's mobile!!

-pulling herself up
-laughing at her brothers
-crawling to her brothers
-messing her brothers' games up

-baby food. She does much better with cooked big people food.
-sleeping in her pack n play. Sean's convinced she doesn't like the mattress and we are hoping that when we get her in the actual crib when we move that she will start sleeping a little better.

Other notables
-she can go from sitting to stomach to sitting! She mastered this in the first week after she turned 7 months! She did this before rolling over!
-trying to clap! It's so cute!
-she waved to someone for the first time! The cute clerk at the grocery store was a grandma missing her grandbaby and Cori's wave made her so happy!
-she started consistently rolling finally! We have no idea if she can go from stomach to back, because once she is on her stomach she can get herself to the sitting position and that's much better than lying down in her opinion
-crawling! It still hasn't completely clicked that it's so awesome to crawl around after me or after whatever toys she wants, but she's getting there!
-trying to stand unassisted
-moved her up to size 4 diapers
-finally will be put down while sleeping without being swaddled

It was such a busy month for this cute girl! Aside from the sleeping, she's been a champ with being so inconsistent in our housing situation. Her smiles light up the world and we love her so much!

I put her in the Ergo on my back (usually I wear her on the front cause it's easier) so I could pack. She eventually fell asleep back there.

She's just so sweet when she sleeps!

The place Sean interviewed in Redding sent him a gift box. I tied the ribbon around Cori's head!

So proud of herself!!

I can't tell what she's eating here. Maybe an apple slice? But she's wary..

Getting her brother! And more outside love.

She was dead asleep over my leg. 

Maybe the only time I have pulled her out of her carseat and she's stayed asleep.. and then Dad kept her that way. 

Getting her other brother. She looooooves them

Graham cracker! Loves it but we think it upsets her stomach. The worst guessing game.

She is pulling herself up more and more and is so stinkin proud! 

Love this girl of mine!

"Mom, take a picture of me and Cori!"

She does love a good hair pull! 

Seriously we love Mickey!

Sweet potato fries! Loved them but again, stomach ache ensued.

She is so happy outside!

I love how much she loves me! Honestly sometimes it's really hard and I have to, very frequently, remember how blessed I am to have children that love me, and to have the relationship I do with them. Right now hers is a needy relationship, but it won't always be.

Playing with Mason!

Standing with Henry!

Canned peach!

Sean rocked her to sleep outside. Maybe I should set her up in a heated tent??


In order to feed her baby food, I have to give her a utensil of her own.

She loves the colors on the light saber!

On the move!

Cousin Oakley loves unicorns. I found this shirt at a thrift store and took a picture for Oaks to see!

Playin outside!

Pulls herself up everywhere!

Park fun! When Dad has the baby, the burp cloth becomes a sun shade and the headband holds it on!

Looking like she got caught in the act... of being cute!

Her favorite spot in the house! She got stuck eventually, every single time.

Watching scripture videos

Sleepy? Or not sleepy?

8 months!!!

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