Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday 3/20/2014

I know I say I'm going to be better at remembering to do this weekly thankful thing, but this time I REALLY mean it! When I was really good at it last year, I would do it during work every Thursday, because Thursdays are sloooooow days in the ol' office. Well, now I'm working again (part time, from home, while Mason sleeps, it's a pretty sweet deal), and guess what? Thursdays are still sloooooow. So back to my old ways. At least this old way is beneficial to me right? Spiritually, ecumenically...

Aaaand maybe I'll set a weekly alarm on my phone to go off so I remember...

Anyway, here is what I'm thankful for this week. And it's a doosy...

-Finding Nemo. That one just randomly popped into my head. Have you seen it on bluray? It's amazing. "He's doing a root canal, and from the looks of it, it's a doosy!" Can't wait for Mason to watch (and appreciate) that movie.
- The temple. I am so grateful that we have a perfect place to go to for peace, comfort, answers, or just to be spiritually fed. Sean and I went a couple weeks ago and finally got answers for his career. Which brings me to...
- I'm thankful that Sean has decided to pursue a career as a Physician's Assistant! We have talked about what we want for our family, and this fits perfect. It won't be 7+ years of schooling like for Med School, but it is still going to be a rewarding career helping people, with good family hours, time for church callings, and a decent enough salary to provide our children with the things they need. I'm so excited for the next few years and the new challenges we will get to face together as we start this new journey.
- Thankful that Sean will be officially DONE with BYU in December! He will work full time this summer, then part time in the fall while he finishes up prereqs for PA school.
- Thankful that I have a job. I worked part time in October to finish up at Career Step (or so I thought) so I didn't have to pay back what Career Step paid for my healthcare while I was on maternity leave. It was so hard working, because Mason was such a tough baby, and I was exhausted. We decided to move out to save on rent, so I was packing between all of that too. Well, a couple months later they contacted me and asked if I would be willing to come back. Things were a lot easier with Mason by then (meaning he finally had settled into a schedule, and I was honestly starting to get bored) so I went back. It is pretty great setting your own hours. Not to mention they told me I was exceeding their expectations... :)
- Thankful for my inlaws. Not only did they let us move in on top of them, they have been a huge help with Mason, and making sure Sean and I stayed sane. (Mason didn't sleep through the night for more than 4 days straight until he was about 7 months. We were tired to say the least.)
- Thankful for the internet. It is making PA school research MUCH easier ;) which I have fully immersed myself into.
- Thankful for my calling as the primary pianist in our ward at church. It has given me a chance to stretch my fingers and develop my talent further. Plus, hearing those sweet kids sing every Sunday is just adorable. Except for when they are being little punks. Then I want to grab the scariest looking guy in the ward and have him come sit next to them so they pay attention better. We've done it before and it works haha
- Thankful for Mason. He has become such a happy, easy going kid, and I can't believe how fast time is passing. The first 6 months didn't go very fast (one day I'll be glad) but since then it is flying and soon he will be walking (very soon!) and talking up a storm.
- Thankful for Sean. He is my rock and my partner in crime and I don't know what I would do without him. He is so dedicated to providing for us, even though he is completely burned out on school right now he is still working and trying so hard. I love that man of mine!

Okay so that turned into a mini update. But I guess it's good because this is kind of like a journal right? Especially since my journal is lacking in updates as of late... oops!

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