Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mason: 8 months

Mason is at such a fun stage! I love watching him as he explores and learns, you can see it on his face! Lots of fun new things this month with our little guy :)

- splashing in the tub! All thanks to his daddy...
- waving whatever is in his hand vigorously. Yesterday it was a little dinosaur toy, the day before his taggie blanket. It's adorable. And slightly frightening when I'm trying not to get hit in the eye.
- standing. He LOVES pulling himself up and then letting go of his support.
- being outside. And watching cars go by. If he is inconsolable, we take him outside for a few minutes and that does the trick. He's eaten quite a few meals outside, too. Haha
- loooves my jacket strings. To the point where they are starting to stain baby food green
- food, especially green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, and the little puffs

- the feeling of his hands in dead grass.
- being tired. This kid can throw some good fits when he's too tired. I'm finally getting to the point where I can see his "tired signs" and am usually able to get him down for a nap before he gets too cranky.

Other notables:
- first tooth came through on February 17, 2014! Front right. Sean and I came home from our anniversary date, and I stuck my finger in Mason's mouth for him to gnaw on and something hurt! It was a tooth haha. Needless to say, he doesn't gnaw on fingers anymore ;)
- second tooth came through on March 1, 2014, the night we were in Rexburg for Carly's baby's blessing. That was a crappy nights' sleep...
- crawling like crazy! This kid is so busy, he never stops moving. And now he is all over the house. You can often hear the phrase, "he's coming for you!" from anyone in the living room to whoever is in the bathroom, kitchen, pantry, wherever. He follows you.
- I can officially say we have had a solid month of him sleeping through the night (minus the teething night)! He had a horrible cold mid February, and cut the first tooth, then started sleeping 9+ hours. Every night. It's glorious. Now we are working on trying to get bedtime earlier (stupid daylight savings).
- there have been some nights where we can just lay him down in his crib and he goes to sleep on his own. Still working on it with naptimes, but probably about half the time at night he falls asleep on his own.

He loves this new trick of his!

Again with the strings

Dinosaurs, what else?

First time sucking on a real apple! 
Then he cut a tooth a few days later and this went out the window.

Buddhah baby!

First warm day!

We take our teeth real serious around here

love this hat, and yes we bought it


Just finished a walk with daddy. Again, love the hat!

He is growing so fast and is so fun! We love our Mason baby!

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