Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mason 7 months

So I am reeeaaally late posting this. But, better late than never right? Mason is turning into the sweetest, most active little baby. We love him to pieces! At 7 months he:

- the bathtub. And dunking his face.
- rice cereal. This kid would live on it
- eating things he shouldn't. Like remotes, phones, books, glasses, you get the picture
- standing, and pulling himself to a standing position
- being "eaten"
- cousin Eve. He laughs as soon as he sees her, and will watch and laugh at her for hours on end.
- water. Not just in the tub, but drinking it too!
- dinosaur train. It holds his attention longer than anything on TV. Thank you PBS Kids!
- loves my jacket drawstrings. They are usually soaking wet with spit. And one sweatshirt has discolored drawstrings from baby food...

- crawling. Don't worry, he can totally crawl. But he doesn't like to so he just fusses.*
- salt and vinegar chips. Tried and tested.
-  having his diaper changed. He rolls to get away.
- being on his stomach. Totally understandable with the acid reflux.

Other Notables
- can go from kneeling to sitting on his own, and also figured out how to go from sitting to standing without support this month.
- sometimes this month he learned how to crawl. Usually it's toward the edge of a rug so he can eat it
- mastered the scream to get attention
- learned to drink from a cup. We are working on a sippy cut so I don't get as wet
- out of sight, out of mind does not work for him. He knows exactly where the phone or remote is when it gets moved away.
- his spitting up is getting much better. I can't wait for the day when he stops (and neither can the laundry hater in me).

We also took his 6 month pictures this month and it was so fun! He is just a funny baby that makes the cutest scrunchy face. (He gets that from Mom and Dad both... MFEO haha.) (post with pictures coming)

Newborn and at 7 months

"Oh puh-lease mom and dad…"

Mason, you are supposed to eat IN the high chair, not eat the high chair...

This is a screen shot of a video. I had the hiccups and Mason thought they were so funny he was laughing at me. When my hiccups stopped I kept fake hiccuping to keep the laughing going. It worked :)

Visit from Grandma Jones!

First time in a restaurant high chair...

…and then first time in the cart!


He slid off Sean's lap so he could stand up

And now he stands ALL the time

Giving mama kisses

We love this kid! He is so fun and is pretty easy going. Which is a huge shift from when he was brand new and we could never figure out what he wanted... Much easier now :)

*Keep in mind that this was when Mason turned 7 months. That quickly turned around within a couple weeks of him turning 7 months.

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