Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cori: 15 months!

I can't believe Cori is 15 months old! Only 3 months until nursery haha! She is so fun and sweet and her own kind of sassy. She has us laughing daily!

-food: fruit snacks, waffles, pancakes, french toast, scrambled eggs, yogurt, goldfish. She is finally starting to eat more of what we eat! The last week or so she's eaten our dinners! She is only restricted now from milk and chocolate, and I am no longer cutting anything out!
-her brothers, and whatever they are doing. She loves cars, messing up their train tracks, patting down their puzzle pieces, cuddling their stuffed animals
-climbing things at the park
-our neighbors' dogs. She is obsessed with them, bosses them around in her baby language, and loves petting them!
-our neighbors, Bo and Alexa. Alexa is the only person we've left her with and she did amazing! I'm loving having the option of leaving all the kids at home!
-OBSESSED with shoes. She often brings me shoes to put on and 90% of the time they match. She knows her shoes too, like if I say, "Go get your jellies!" she will!

-usually pretty upset if I'm not around.
-being told "no you can't nurse right now"
-falling asleep before 9pm

Other notables
-5th tooth came in April 27th, top left next to middle
-6th tooth a couple weeks later, top right next to middle
-sleeping much better at night finally! Mostly sleeps all night and if she wakes up she can usually get herself back to sleep. Naps, on the other hand, are miserable and short. She only takes one nap and it is usually in the range of 45-90 minutes.
-moved her up to 18 month clothes a couple weeks before her 15 month mark
-words: mahmmy, dad, mase, hee (Henry, the dog next door), Lexa (Alexa), hi, bye, mah (blowing a kiss), whas dis, need oo (you), want some, shoe(s)
-at her 15 month check up she was just over 21 lbs and 30.5 inches or so

She is soooo much fun!! Here's an onslaught of pictures!

Always has a smile and ALWAYS stealing stuff from the fridge haha

Park time, climb on mama time, and her new bestie at church!

Daddy cuddles and crying when I didn't get her out soon enough...

Teething, sleeping, and stealing my food

Always loves making a mess, and LOVES nail polish!

Loves climbing where she shouldn't. Helps me do the dishes. Cuddles her brother' stuffed animals, and the start of a cute ponytail!

Kisses and making mischief! And Henry!

She has the BEST cheese grin!

She is starting to eat more and loves the park!

Literally cannot handle the cheese!!!

First water fun day!

Upset because the spiderman shoe won't stay on

First smoothie from a cup, and throwing a fit because her brothers didn't let her in the bathroom.

She thinks she's hilarious and she really is!

Licking syrup off the plate. She really is my kid haha.

this picture is big because it is so stinkin' cute!!! she loves her Henry!

She finds the funniest things to wear, and has finally warmed up to Bo!

Mastering the duck face!

Literally, so obsessed with shoes.

First time drinking water from a water bottle (sans straw)

Loves Cars (thanks to her brothers) and dolls (thanks to her genetics haha)

She has to do what her brothers do. Hence the tent play, the frozen waffle, and the tool goggles

My shirt from when I was a baby and first pool day!

Eating is getting so much better! She also loves being big.

We love you Cori Grace!

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