Tuesday, April 7, 2015

San Diego Trip: Day 3 - San Diego Zoo

In preparation for this trip, Sean and I bought the 7-day San Diego parks pass from Costco. It's a really good deal, $117 per person for admission to all 3 parks as many times as you want in those 7 days. Sea World alone is $75 or something like that. We definitely took advantage and spent full days at each park.
That morning, the others left to go back to Provo. They had been in SD since Wednesday.

We had a great time at the zoo! This zoo is a lot bigger than Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City, so Sean had a good time. It was a hot day, but there were lots of trees for shaded walking. Mostly. We did get a little sunburned in the face but that was it. Mason hung out in the stroller pretty much the whole day! He got probably a 45 minute nap in. He missed most of the monkey enclosures (ironically, he was wearing a monkey onesie lol).

Now get ready for a whole slew of pictures. I didn't think I took that many, honestly. But I did.

I thought these tiki posts were really cool! 
This is one of the first things we saw at the zoo.

My mom loves giraffes. This one's for you Mom!

Funny kangaroos

I took a picture similar to this with a friend from high school during a choir trip to this same zoo :)

Oh you know, just taking the cheetah for a walk...
The CHEETAH. For reals?

This is some creature that is almost extinct or something. I can't remember for sure

Mason saw this picture yesterday and got sooo excited.

The lions. Eek!

Getting trampled by an elephant...

This turtle is a Parker Turtle. It said so on the sign

Sean was eating a PBJ sandwich as we walked past the Capuchin exhibit. This guy followed Sean around, and would mimic Sean's head movements!

This is the part where Mason was napping ;)

My monkey man :)

Our aviary!

Such a pretty bird!

Okay, so the aviaries and monkey exhibits are very confusing. We got a bit lost...

The first time we went through the panda line, we waited forever, and the red pandas weren't even out. We went through a second time right before we left, and there was no line. AND bonus, the red pandas were out! Asleep, but out! Sean was excited, they are one of his favorites.

What a great first day! We had such a good time and got Mason a really cute monkey shirt. (Which finally fits him 6 months later haha).

We went back to the Vongsawads where Jamie had made a really yummy dinner. After Mason went to bed, we had ice cream, and I worked for an hour or so. (Hey, we had to pay rent when we got back!)

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