Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

One of my aunts shared this the week of Thanksgiving. I laughed so hard!

We had a pretty low-key Thanksgiving this year! The Saturday before we had a Friendsgiving with two couples from our old ward. It was so great to hang out and see them again! Apparently 15 minutes is really far away when there are like 10 stakes in between, and who knows how many wards. Anyway, I got a free turkey voucher from work so of course we had to put it to good use. The food all turned out so good!

Left to right: Zach and Autumn, me Sean and Mason, and Penny Sarah and Mark
Autumn is due a few weeks after I am with a little girl. So fun for my two sons to have potential wives in this little group lol!

The boys discovered a new show called Dinotrux. 
The girls sat in the kitchen and laughed at their interest in the show.

Love these girls, and that beautiful little baby!

Actual Thanksgiving was spent at my Aunt Linda's house with my parents, Linda, Larry, Heidi, Aunt Jeanne and Zack. Mason had fun playing with the new toys that Linda has. We enjoyed yummy food and had some laughs! We missed our other siblings (Carly and Bryce were home with Oakley, who was recovering from Hand-Foot-Mouth disease, Tim decided to stay in Salt Lake because my parents were coming up anyway, and Jenny was sick in Bakersfield). 

Mom and I took Mason on a pre-dinner walk. Linda and Larry live in Salem. We saw a couple horses and threw rocks into a little creek :)

Mason kept trying to drink out of my dad's water cup. When my dad left, Mason wasn't told no!
Also, my dad snapped that picture of Mason pulling off his shoes and socks. He's just like me.

Mason and my dad played dinosaurs for a good 20+ minutes. I love watching them interact!

The day after, my mom met me at Joann's so I could buy fabric on major sale for the projects I have been wanting to do, while Sean, Mason, and my dad went to Cabella's. Seriously one of Mason's favorite places. He cried when we left. We went to lunch at Johnny Rocket's at the outlets, where Carly, Bryce and Oakley met us. Then we shopped for the babies! Well, Sean, Mason and my dad went home while the rest of us shopped.

Mom bought that little pj outfit for baby, and when I pointed out the dinosaur to Mason he said "No! Raus!" (which means stegosaurus). You're right Mason, how could I be so silly to make that mistake lol.
Mom also got Mason those adorable dinosaur jammies. He's obsessed. And the dinosaurs are all wearing slippers.

The rest of the weekend was spent at home playing. Sean is the best jungle gym and Mason loves showing off lol.
I love this time of year! And I also love that I am nearing the end of my pregnancy and the holidays are helping it go faster :)

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