Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mason 12-15 months

Mason update! I admit, it is nice not doing these every month. I never have time to get on the computer and blog! Mason is so busy. He never holds still, and if I try and do anything on the computer, he is in my lap banging on the keyboard. But anyway, here's what he has been up to the last few months!

- Zooming cars around. This kid is all boy. He loves making cars, really anything with wheels, go.
- Books. They are his absolute favorite. Most of the time if he is quiet, I find him in his pile of books, reading and turning pages.
- Food. He will eat anything I put in front of him. Not so great when said food ends up giving him a rash, but oh well. So far straight milk, ice cream, eggs, and soy sauce are still problems for him.
- Watching videos on the phone. To the point where if he sees a phone he wants to watch. So I'm trying to break that habit.
- Playing hide and seek: 1 year old version. I will go to another room and say, "Where's Mommy?" And he will come find me! We do this a few times until he finds his books haha. Sometimes, he will trick me and stay in the room I just came from until I find him.
- Shoes. He has finally realized that putting on shoes means going outside, which means he brings me his shoes a lot. He will also bring me mine.
- Still loves Popcorn Popping, and can do most of the actions, if you catch him in the right mood. He also likes Patty Cake and singing If You're Happy And You Know It. We recently introduced "stomp your feet" and he thought it was hilarious.
- Trying to open cupboards. Thank goodness for child locks.
- The plunger. We bought a new one when we moved into our apartment. He always tried to go get it, so after a while I gave up and now it is his. Don't worry, it has never been used.

- Getting his diaper changed. I have to put my leg over his chest so he can't escape/grab anything.
- Coming inside. He loves being outside and hates when the door closes.
- As much as he likes food, sometimes he does not want to eat, he would rather play.
- Hates when people go out the door. When Sean leaves for work/school, Mason usually stands at the door and cries for a couple minutes.

Other notables
- Cut his two top teeth (to the side of the middle ones) within 3 days of each other. We went 3+ months without a tooth coming through and then all of a sudden there those two were.
- Runs everywhere. He started walking around 4th of July, and since then never stops. He gets faster and faster every day.
- Started giving me kisses! Sometimes they are cute puckered kisses, and sometimes they are the typical slobbery kisses but I'll take it!
- He has jumped from the 19th percentile height when he was born to the 60th percentile at his appointment. Tall kid! It's about time!
- Signs "please" when I ask him to! It's really cute!

He climbs/pulls himself up on EVERYTHING, and has for a while.

12 month checkup. He loaves curtains

First shoes he would actually wear!

He's just so cute!

Helping me water my tomatoes

Climbing up the slide
What berries?

The day we moved into our apartment. I was setting up the crib while Sean was getting everything out of storage. Mason's shirt says "My parents are exhausted." It was true.

Climbing and so proud haha

Waiting for Dad on campus

He got in that position all by himself. I couldn't help but take a picture!

First lollipop!

Here Violet, let me show you how this works...

Hey, uh, Mom, can you come help me?

My little soccer baby :)

Hey Mom, I started loading the dishwasher for you!

This is how you work this thing, right?

Looking at the cougar in the WILK

In his book corner

And again, with the toys

Taking a walk during Priesthood Session of General Conference

After the Sunday Morning session of General Conference

He climbed in there by himself...

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