Saturday, November 6, 2010

Liz and Joe's Wedding Weekend

What a crazy, crazy weekend. As in, we drove almost 2000 miles in less than 72 hours. Crazy.

It all started with Carly's choir concert. I dropped Carly off, picked up B, we went to the concert.

We had dinner at the greatest restaurant in the world

and headed off to Riverside! Did I mention we left at 930 pm? Never again.

We got to Bryson and Becky's at about 6am. Aunt Flo graciously let us in and we crashed on the floor for about 2 hours, ate breakfast, and got ready for the wedding.

Waiting outside the temple. Christian and Jonas couldn't get enough of the fountain. Then Christian pulled down his pants and started to pee on the bushes, we rushed him to the nearest bathroom...

They are so cute! I just love Liz, and Joe is a good friend of the family, one of Jenny's best friends. So naturally, our fam was super excited that we get to have Joe as a cousin!

We headed over to the luncheon, and then headed back to Becky and Bryson's to nap. I was so tired. B and I slept from about 5 to 7, got ready super fast and headed to the reception.

My sisters are so beautiful :)

You better believe we double dutched.

After the reception and the taking down of it, I went with Christianne to a friend's house, and got back about 1am. Those that know me know I NEVER do the whole sleep deprived thing...

Next day, the fam was going to the beach

B and I decided we wanted to go see a show right after...

Fantastic! I loved it. My friend Hayley raved about it the whole week I was with her in New York, so I was really happy to get to see it. (PS no pictures of us at the show cause we both were sleep deprived and covered in sand. I also broke my 4 year streak of not eating McDonalds. So gross.)

We got back to Bryson and Becky's after the show and crashed. Sleep is wonderful when you haven't had enough of it.

We left Sunday morning around 10, picked up Haley Christensen in Barstow, and drove back to Provo. What a weekend. But I'm so glad I got to be there for Liz's wedding!

1 comment:

  1. We loved having you guys stay with us!!! :D I didn't know you had a blog... us too! It's private though, so give me your email address and I'll send you an invite.
