Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pregnancy update: 35 weeks!

I am so stoked to be typing that number, 35 weeks! My doctor officially sent in the paperwork so I can schedule my induction on December 30th, 4 weeks from today! This pregnancy has been more physically painful than my last so needless to say I am ready for little one to be here! 

How many weeks?: 35 weeks today!
Size of Baby: Apparently, about the size of a honeydew melon, weighing in at about 5 1/4 lb and measuring about 18 inches. Except at my last ultrasound baby was measuring big, so he's really probably almost 6 lbs by now. Eek!
Countdown: 4 more weeks to go! Unless little man decides to come sooner! Just not next week because my doctor is out of town haha.
Total weight gain/loss: + about 39lbs. And I'm to the point where I don't think I care anymore.
Maternity Clothes?: All the time. My maternity jeans are starting to get painful when I'm sitting so I usually just wear sweat pants unless I am actually going somewhere.
Energy Levels: About the same. Energy levels are good, but depending on the day, my actual physical condition prevents me from doing much of anything. (Like yesterday, I could barely stand to do the dishes or straighten my hair.)
Exercise Habits: Getting a little better. My good friend from high school released a third trimester exercise book and I've been doing a few exercises a day out of that (when I can actually do them). Thanks Amber!
Sleeping?: I'm waking up a couple times a night to use the bathroom. And I am super thirsty when I wake up so I always have to get some water. Then baby moves around for a few minutes before I can fall back asleep. But I feel good during the day most days so I guess I'm getting enough sleep!
Worst Moment in the past 5 weeks: Finding out baby will be much bigger! Okay so I'm making it seem worse than it really is. Baby is estimated at being about 8.5 lbs at 40 weeks. Since I am inducing at 39, he probably won't be that big. But he could. And I'm slightly terrified.
Best Moment in the past 5 weeks Realizing that I'm to the point where I don't have to shave my legs! My leg hairs almost stop growing when I'm pregnant. It's the best.
Miss anything?: Rolling over with ease, a normal eating schedule, exercising.
Movement: All the time. I can feel him stretch a lot, and he wiggles around quite a bit too.
Morning Sickness?: Nope.
Food Cravings: Chocolate, but I settle for wintergreen lifesavers if we don't have any
Food Aversions: Not really.
Showing yet?: I'm a beached whale
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Wow yes. About a week ago it was to the point where I had to lay down for a couple hours before they subsided. Since then I've had bad contractions but they go away after no more than an hour. Doc said after 36 weeks go ahead and keep 'em coming and I plan to!
Moods: Getting more emotional. Poor Sean. I have to keep apologizing for/reminding him that my crazy preggo emotions
Not Looking Forward to: Swelling. So far I've been mostly okay, but as baby gets lower I will probably get a lot of swelling in my legs again.
Looking Forward To: Meeting baby! This will be my last pregnancy post before he comes and I am so excited!!

We washed/sorted through all our newborn/0-3 month baby clothes, and added what my awesome mom bought us last week. Mason LOVED looking at everything, and his reaction to almost every piece of clothing (onesies, jammies, socks, shoes, anything) was "Aww, baby!" Hopefully he is as excited when baby is no longer in my tummy and is home with us!

35 week belly. No face because I looked terrible and tired when I took the picture haha.

1 comment:

  1. Remember, Monster was 9 lb 15 oz. He seriously was an easier birth than E. Don't be scared of the big, it is all baby fat and squishes. The only sad thing is they don't fit in newborn sizes!
