Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fall 2015

Catching up on some of the things that happened during fall this year.

Eating popcorn and watching BYU football with my little spiderman

We hung out with Oakley while her mom and dad went to their gender ultrasound!

Mason's version of a sleeve.

Salsa prep!

Favorite morning of the week when the garbage truck comes!

BYU Volleyball with the YW in my ward. Autumn was there while Zach worked, and we were sitting right next to the football team, including Tanner Magnum! The girls were smitten lol

The night before Sean left for one of his interviews. 

Carly and I met up at the outlets to buy a few things for our upcoming babies, and then of course had to go to In-N-Out for dinner!

Hanging out with my little guy while Dad flew around the country interviewing for PA schools

We went to do laundry one afternoon at Sean's parents, and decided to decorate their door for Halloween!

Such a good helper!

Also, who said he could grow up??

Aunt Jenny moved back to Utah!! We went to BYU so I could buy a couple things, and Jenny bought Mason a treat. He's trying to figure out WHY ON EARTH we are taking pictures when there is goodness to be inhaled...

One of the weekends Sean was gone, Mason and I stayed at Kelly's house. One morning, I couldn't find the boys, and searched the whole house and backyard. 
Finally found them doing this. I died laughing!

Cute cousins!

Fun fort to color in!

Well, I need to find a new hiding spot for the treats...

Park time! Kid looooves playing, no matter the temperature 

Sword fighting with Violet! She thinks he's pretty awesome.

Snow day! 

Bath time giggles

Gorgeous fall sunset!!

Love this goof

I wrapped that bunny up like a baby and he carried it around for a few minutes patting it's back :)

Dad gets a pretty good workout with Mason around

Bean Museum! Thank goodness it's free!

More snow! 

Laundry day! He wanted to wear this. "Dad, work!" 

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