Thursday, March 13, 2014

random thoughts

Dear people-I-call-every-day,
Why why WHY do you answer your cell phone at work just to tell me you are at work and can't talk? Are you trying to be just a little bit of a rebel? And the lady who is a TEACHER answering her phone, how many kids' cell phones did you take away this school year, but you answered?? For reals...
Sincerely, Annoyed

Dear Mason,
Thank you thank you thank you for FINALLY figuring out that you are happiest when you sleep through the night! Mom and Dad are very thankful for the 9+ hours you are giving us every night. Now if every nap you took was at least an hour and a half, in addition to your lengthy sleep sessions, that would be pretty much perfect.
Love, your less-sleep-deprived mom

Dear world,
How do I get the gig as the person who's voice you hear when you get someone's voicemail? This is a legitimate question. I could totally be the person that says, "So-and-so is not available, please leave a message."
From, the one who wants the job

Dear Spring,
Hurry please. I miss when strawberries are only $1.50 and taste good, I miss watermelon, and I miss being outside in the heat. I'm also anxious to take Mason to Seven Peaks, so the sooner you get here, the better.
Sincerely, I Hate Winter

Dear self,
You are turning 28 this year. Try not to freak out, okay?
Love, Self

Dear hormones,
It has been 8 months since Mason was born, and you still haven't regulated to the point where my hair will stop falling out and my ligaments will keep my hips in place. Are you going to hit that point soon? Because I won't rock bald and I miss running.
Cordially, almost-bald mamma


  1. haha...having babies DOES mess with your body. Some things go back, others, never. Oy. I'm turning 29 soon, and yeah, I AM freaking out. We're almost 30!!!

  2. hahaha I love this. We should make this be a weekly blog post so we can get our rambles out.

  3. I'm not trying to jinx myself, but my hair hasn't started falling out yet. Not looking forward to that at all. Also, running sucks and I don't even know what to do with my body these days. Glad to know other people feel this way!
