Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mason at 2 months!

I can't believe it has been more than two months since Mason came into our lives. He is a sweet baby, and we are finally starting to figure things out (I think...). Here are a few things from the last month:

- bath time, for the most part. He likes really warm water. He hates getting out haha
- snacking. He will eat a couple ounces every couple of hours instead of hunkering down and eating 4-6 ounces every few hours with a good nap in between. Hopefully this doesn't last much longer. Mommy needs to have time to do stuff!
- the changing table. Seriously it's like he knows he is going to have a dry diaper when we set him down...
- being held. Not so fun at night. Fun when other people are around. His favorite thing seems to be falling asleep sitting up with his head in your hand.

- the baby swing. Although right around his 2 month birthday he has started enjoying it. But up until then no dice!
- the pacifier. I think it's official.
- having to poop. Sometimes it's really hard to do!
- the hiccups. He hates getting the hiccups.

Other notables:
- first smiles on Thursday, August 22. Happy mom and dad! Now he is all smiles, most of the time
- rolled from stomach to back early morning August 26. I put him down on his stomach and apparently when Sean picked him up a few hours later he was on his back. He did a few more times that week, and then didn't do it again until yesterday.
- this kid is a messy eater. Whether nursing or from a bottle he doesn't seem to care if he dribbles. I do though...
- put himself to sleep for the first time (from fully awake) on August 28. We were not holding him, feeding him, or bouncing him at all. I laid him down on his back in his pack n' play to brush my teeth and wash my face, and when I went back in he was asleep! It didn't last very long but hey!
- started sleeping through the night (like a solid 7-8 hour stretch) about a week before he turned 2 months. Then he got his shots and everything has been messed up since then. Last night he only did 4 hours. I was pretty unhappy about it. Hoping to get back to the long stretch soon!

Here are some pics for your enjoyment!

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