Monday, August 19, 2013

This one time in Sunday school...

(Disclaimer: this post was written while I was in the hospital on my phone, I just didn't have all the pictures until today.)

There was this cute boy who made a really awesome comment in response to the bishop's lesson. Then he made a really snarky comment under his breath after someone else's comment, and I was immediately interested. Fast forward 2 years and a few months, and we brought Mason Philip Parker into the world! He was born at 10:41pm and weighed 7lbs 15 oz, and was 20 inches long. 

Here's the long version:

I had an appointment with my OB at 10am that day. I was so emotionally capped (I think mostly because I was being stubborn and still working) I really was hoping my doctor would at least give me an induction date. When I got there, he put me on the non-stress test, then did an ultrasound. The cord was still around the baby's neck, so he gave me a couple options. Either I could go get induced right then and deliver by the next morning, or I could wait until Thursday night. I called Sean and we decided to go right then to labor and delivery. 

Sean had chemistry lab until about 3, so my sister Jenny left work and came up to hang out for the first few hours. She got there about 11:45. We thought there would be no rush, since my doctor said I probably wouldn't be ready to deliver until the next morning. So they got me into the gown, started me on the saline drip, and brought me a very delicious chicken wrap from the cafeteria. So yum! We also FaceTimed with Katie to help pass the time. 
yay i'm finally going to have a baby!

So since I hadn't dilated any further from Friday to Tuesday, they came in around 1 and hooked me up with ampicillin, then around 2:15 the doctor finally got there and administered this gel stuff that was supposed to help ripen my cervix, and stripped my membranes. Within 5 minutes, I had a really strong, really hard contraction that lasted a really long time, and baby's heartbeat dropped really low. A bunch of nurses ran in, rolled me on my side, and then finally on my hands and knees, gave me a shot in the arm of some medicine to stop contractions so baby's heartbeat could come back up. The shot made me shake really violently, not easy on my hands and knees. Jenny called Sean right as this was happening and he left lab early to come to the hospital. (Luckily, they were almost finished and he just needed to get some final numbers from his group.) By the time he got here things had calmed down a little, and I got the epidural. I felt so much better after that. Well, I got really cold, so they brought me blankets. 

getting the epidural

From 3pm until about 7pm, I didn't dilate very far. Then I started feeling more pressure, even through the epidural. I called for the nurse and she checked me. I had gone from a 5 to a 9 in less than an hour. She told me she would come back in an hour. Not even 20 minutes later I called her back in and I was at a 10. They got everything set up for delivery, all while I felt like I had to push. At some point they gave me an extra shot of the epidural. 

They finally had everything ready and on my first push, the baby's heart rate dropped again, so she had me stop and called the doctor in. It seemed like it took forever for him to come in. Finally after 3 contractions and 9 or 10 pushes, he was here! They got him all cleaned up and have him to Sean while I got stitched and cleaned up. 

Now all we needed was a name. I asked Sean what he thought and he looked at the baby for a minute, and said, "He looks like a Mason." So Mason it was! Then we went through some other names for his middle name, and decided on Philip, which is my dad's middle name.  

We absolutely love him and are so happy to be parents. Now to adjust to this new sleep schedule we are on...


  1. Love it! He sure is a handsome boy!!

  2. Congrats! Thanks for sharing your story. It's fun to hear about others once you've experienced birth. I hope you're adjusting well and that Mason is sleeping a little better for you. Enjoy his little sweetness. They get harder to handle, teach, and discipline as they get older:)
