Friday, April 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday - a day late

Yesterday I woke up with one of the worst sore throats I've had in a long time, and it has carried over to today. No fun. So here is my catchup thankful post.

- I guess I should be thankful that I am now 6 months pregnant, and this is the first illness I have caught.

- Thankful for General Conference this weekend, and that I can spend all weekend in comfy, comfy sweatpants. Best ever.

- Thankful for priesthood blessings. And thankful for awesome neighbors that respond late at night to come help.

- Thankful for my parents' words of advice. They both are awesome. Also I get to see them in 3 weeks. Yay!

- Thankful that there are only 3 weeks left in the semester. Hallelujah! Although I think Sean is more thankful for that than I am. Is it just me or have the last couple of months seemed to fly? Luckily.

 - Thankful for Sean's mission reunion tonight! We went to one 6 months ago for his 2nd mission president, now this one is for his first mission president and I am so excited!

-Thankful for the cake-mix cookie recipes. Makes baking cookies much easier and much faster.


  1. Always count your blessings! It really helps! Love you!

  2. Ah I can't believe you are 6 months!! Big bummer about getting sick but hope you're feeling better! Belly posts please!
