Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pregnancy update: 24ish weeks

How many weeks?: 25 weeks, well as of tomorrow.
Size of Baby: Apparently the size of a Rutabega, who knew? About 13 inches long, and 1.5 lbs.
15 weeks left. Weird!
Total weight gain/loss:
+18 lbs. Ugh
Maternity Clothes?:
Yep. Well sorta. I have a few maternity shirts that I'll throw into the rotation. As for my jeans, they are all rubber banded to stay up.
Energy Levels: Pretty good! Except for after last night after we got Sean registered for classes at midnight. That threw a wrench into today's energy.
Exercise Habits: Took last week off due to a weird schedule at work. But other than that still going at least 4 times a week. Which is good, because stupid Easter candy is on the shelves and taunting me. My doctor told me to stop doing the elliptical and start doing either cycling, stair master, or water aerobics. Heck no to the swimsuit, but I've been doing the stair master thing and the bike. Also now that it is warmer I can resume my 15 minute walks.
Sleeping?: I still wake up between 4-5:30 every morning. Some mornings it is hard to fall back asleep, others really east. Saturday I slept until 8:30 and I never knew that could feel so marvelous.
Worst Moment in the past 2 weeks:
My hips are in a constant state of ouch. I use a heating pad all day every day, sleep with a pillow between my legs, have followed doc's exercise orders, but they still hurt. Comes with the territory I guess.
Best Moment in the past 2 weeks I can now see the baby move! That is the weirdest thing, watching not only a poke here or there, but what looks like the wave going across my belly. So weird.
Miss anything?: Hardcore exercise, like running, or swimming, or intense elliptical, still. Also miss how I didn't have to eat all the time. I feel like I am constantly shoving something in my mouth. It's getting kinda old haha.
Movement: Yep. Especially after food. Sean can feel him now too which is fun.
Morning Sickness?: Every now and then at night I'll feel nauseous, or if I don't get enough sleep. But I've been really careful to make sure I have been.
Food Cravings: Marshmallow Mateys have become my new thing. I usually have a bowl every night before bed haha. I crave sweet sugary things too. Which makes me sad because I spent so long fighting off the cravings and they went away to where I usually didn't want the donut or the cookie or the cake or whatever, and that was great for maintaining my healthy food thing I was on. But now that craving is back and I hate that I let it. Oh well.
Food Aversions: Brothy soups, fish (except for canned tuna), barbeque sauce.
Showing yet?:Very much so. Everyone keeps telling me I look small for how far along I am so I guess that's a good thing
Gender Prediction: Boy! This little guy is a wiggler, which I think means I am going to have one active kid on my hand. Which is great, I love being active!
Moods: Cranky. Like all the time. Sean keeps telling me I do a good job keeping it under control. He doesn't drive with me though...
Not Looking Forward to: Losing more sleep. Ugh.
Looking Forward To: More family time in 4 weeks, getting little man's room all set up. Gotta get rid of Blaze's nasty couch first, which I am also looking forward to haha. Also looking forward to more nesting kicking in. A few weeks ago there was about a week where I went on a cleaning/dejunking spree and it was great! That went away and I would love to see it again haha.

Side note. We got a new TV (which is awesome!) because our old one was a plasma with dead pixels. Does anyone know where we can take it to get rid of it? It still works great we just didn't want to get it fixed, especially when the problem might just come back. I honestly am not even looking to make anything off of it. Does DI or anything like that accept it and will they fix it before they sell?


  1. How bad is it? You could always give it to your fave sister ;) Also, how big is it? Can it be mounted onto the wall?

    1. 50" plasma and yes it can be mounted. the lines are way bad though, you will want to get that fixed. and how are you gonna get it up to idaho? you cant tip plasmas on their side, they have to always be standing straight up :)
