Sunday, September 9, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

I know, like so four months ago. That's what happens when your computer crashes in the middle of the summer. So here we go, catch-up post number one!

Sean and I decided (okay, more like I begged for us) to drive up to Brigham City where my grandparents are buried. We stopped at Wal-mart to get some flowers and then headed up! 

We took a few pictures...

I love visiting Grandma and Grandpa Jones

We said hi to Grandma Lizzie and Grandpa William too

...and then we drove past the temple. I love how beautiful the temples are even months before they are finished. Can't wait for the dedication in a couple weeks!

And then we went to lunch. 

Sean's malt that he ordered.

I wanted to go to the restaurant we ate at during our family reunion in 2009, the one where you can see the cows that will be used for the next day's meals, but it was closed. So we went to a little burger joint down the street.

Then we stopped at Cabella's because I had never been.

Love my bearded man <3 font="font">

Cool that they have the little walk-though aquarium, not so cool after only having gone to Sea World 4 weeks before...

Cabella's fudge!

And then we saw Brave! Loved it!

Yay for Memorial Day and paid days off!

1 comment:

  1. I love when people do awesome Memorial Day activities like this. I have yet to do something that awesome. Glad you had your first Cabela's experience! And yeah, it is a bit underwhelming esp if you had just been to Sea World haha. LOOOOVED Brave! Can't wait for it to come out on Blu-ray. I've been not buying movies pretty much at all except for on Thanksgiving sales, but I def will buy Brave. Oh and Cinderella that comes out next week :)
