Tuesday, November 1, 2011


My friend Jess (blog found here) does a Gratitue-a-Day post every day for the month of November, every year. I've been thinking about it since last year, and decided to give it a go. Because I know I have a lot in my life to be thankful for. And I'm going to extend the same challenge to you that Jess did... do the Gratitude-a-Day and see what happens!

So for today: I am grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I would not be who I am today, or where I am today, without the Atonement, and the constant guidance from the Holy Ghost. I won't go into specifics, but my testimony of Christ and the Atonement has really grown tremendously over the past couple of years. I know that He is there for us whenever we need Him: through good and bad times, through hurt feelings and happy occasions, through pain, whether emotional or physical, through sorrow, through everything we are to experience in this life, He is there. And He wants to help us through those times, and will, if we just ask Him.

This message is from Easter, but its message applies throughout the year, and throughout all time.

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