Thursday, September 1, 2011

count your blessings...

I guess that's what this post is. I was stressing about who knows what this morning. It was getting bad. So I decided to make a list of the things that are good today.

- I haven't had to leave a lot of messages at work today because the leads are super old.
- I get to go to Seven Peaks tonight for the first time this summer. (Thanks Kelly!) (And yes, first time. That's on the bad list actually. But I'm not even going to start on that list.)
- I get to play soccer tonight. Which basically translates to I get to run around and pretend like I know what I'm doing and get really good exercise.
- Sean sent me a really pretty song to listen to. really pretty. really really pretty. also classical music rocks.
- I remembered about 15 minutes ago that I put the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack on my phone the other day. That always calms me down. Commence repeat listening for the rest of work NOW
- The weather in Utah is gorgeous right now. I wish it would stick.
- The mountains are beautiful and every day on my walks I just look up at them in awe.
- We are getting free lunch at work. From the Smoking Apple. Free sweet potato fries! (Yes, I caved. They are delicious. And no, I do not feel bad.)
- One of the temple workers yesterday told me I have really pretty eyes. Thanks! It made my night!
- I don't have to work tomorrow, as I am going to CA for my sister's wedding. Which means, no work for 5 whole days. Five! Hellooooo LA, Bakersfield, King City, and San Francisco! (I usually travel from one end of the state to the other...)
- The shorts I am wearing today I didn't have to unbutton to pull on. Which reminded me that I accomplished my goal of losing 10 pounds before my sister's wedding. Can I put this twice? Because it makes me really proud. Like I actually accomplished something I've been trying/not really trying for years.
- I get to spend an entire weekend with these people:

And that is just the most wonderful blessing right now. See you in 24 hours family!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think we realize how much our lives really do rock when put down like that! I need to do that too. Perhaps that will be my project in the morning. P&P and Young Victoria soundtracks calm me any day. Love them. And by the way, MAJOR props to you for losing 10 pounds! That is hard, so wayta go. I am trying to do about 15 and I got down 4 and it just seems to get stuck there! Still working hard at it - I know we have fairly similar body types (minus you being taller), so I'll remember your example and won't give up! P.S. I can't wait to see CA pictures when you get back!!
