Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i'm back baby!

I bought the Costco deal where it is a 2-year membership (including start-up fees, etc.) for $300 bucks, just $12.50 a month if you break it down.

And I feel wonderful! I can't believe how much I missed working out. But no more.

Although, I do miss the cardio cinema room.. maybe 24 will catch on on that awesome idea.


  1. cardio cinema room? do share...what is that?

  2. only the greatest idea in workout history! a room with a huge projector screen and lots of cardio equipment. like 15 treadmills, 6 bikes, 25 elliptical. lights are off and you get to watch a movie while you run/bike/ellipticalize... greatest room ever.

  3. that's awesome!! Good for you!
    Your poor little pup.... :(
