Sunday, August 22, 2010

New York - Day 6

Friday morning I woke up feeling kinda crummy; I don't know if it was a cold or allergies but I had a sore throat. No bueno. But it did not stop me. I didn't really have any plans for that day, so I went with Jess to a cathedral that is right around the corner from their apartment.

We walked around for about 45 minutes. It was really cool inside; all the stone carvings everywhere and the ceilings reminded me of what I'd learned in Humanities classes but couldn't remember the style. Fail.

Anyway, we went home and then Melissa joined us to go to the Cloisters up in Washington Heights (where In the Heights took place). The Cloisters are these really cool ruin-like things I guess. We never found them, I think we walked the wrong way. But they are in this huge park that was absolutely beautiful, and it was along the Hudson river (I think) and had a really cool view of the George Washington Bridge.

We went back to the apartment and Hayley got home around 4 from work. We watched an episode of Sex and the City, and then went to a pizza place by their house for the BIGGEST slice of pizza I've ever eaten.

Do you agree? I ate the whole thing :)

We then got ready for Romeo and Juliet, put on by the American Ballet Theater.

I really enjoyed it; Mercutio's choreography was fantastic, Romeo's was a little disappointing. The music is amazingly beautiful, though, so all in all, success.

My throat was hurting really bad (remember, sicky me) so I decided I wanted frozen yogurt again. Hayley and I went home and changed shoes (heels – bad, flip flops – good). There were a couple people from the ward there so they came with us to Pink Berry and we sat and talked and the froyo felt really good on my sore throat. Met this kid Jake, who, it turns out, is a fellow Chiefs fan, which was awesome! Jake, Hayley and I watched Friday Night Lights (the most current episode in NY) and then by that time it was almost 230 so Jake went home and then we went to bed.


  1. of course the Hayley/Jake sandwich didn't make the post... until now!! mwahahaha!

  2. I love your ballet pose - good form! Um, so that pizza looks SO GOOD. I want one right now. That cathedral looks beautiful. I love walking around those, the designs are amazing! And yes, I am still thinking of that pizza.

  3. haha yeah i may have forgotten about that... until now. that was pretty funny! i may need to start watching friday night lights. it seems like a really good show, one that i could easily get sucked into.

    rachel... seriously that pizza was soooo good! we should go get some. k? lets plan it.
